Thursday, February 13, 2014

Prophetic Signs of the end of the world: January 2014

Extreme weather events and earth changes including massive floods, massive earthquakes, sinkholes, cloud outbursts (massive rainfalls), record-breaking heat waves, hurricanes, cyclones and typhoons and massive deaths of animals were witnessed around the world in January 2014.
These signs are harbingers of the plagues of the Most High, which will affect those who have rejected Christ as their Saviour and His holy ten commandments, are mentioned in Revelation 16: We also see the increasing appearance of demons and evil spirits mascarading as UFOs. Coupled with the rise of atheism, the recognition of homosexual marriages and the increase in the distress of nations (e.g. massive protests), we truly are in the end times, as in the days of Noah and Lot. The Most High will not be mocked. Please read 1 Corinthians 6:9-10.

The natural disasters and human behaviour in January 2014 point to the prophecies of Christ, which are coming to pass. Only His prophecies have, are and will come to pass, along with those of His prophets since only He is Truth.


  1. Its no mystery when the end of this earth age will come to the end, its all been written if you have eyes to see in hears to hear. Visit ShepherdsChapel go to the video page Pastor Murray has been teaching the Book of Revelations Wed feb 12 hes in the 8th n 9th chapters its about the seals n trumps it will only help your understanding to know Fathers Truth.

  2. liberation and restitution respect to the native americans, (B) return to israel to the 1967 frontiers, otherwise what is coming is worse than you have not even imagine. and it is not negotiable as northwood google and the usa air force have understood when the allied mother nature gets in gear, the result can be devastating, not mentioning pole shift and a little help from the sun,. this is not a prophecy is just a fact if you folks don't get the message!..... not the common folks but those in charge of you. the elites moovers and shakers.
