Sunday, February 16, 2014

ORWELLIAN NIGHTMARE -- War on The Homeless in The UK

The UK is now a fully fledged dystopian society. Stating that fact has led me to be outcast by some of the very people who are suffering under this Orwellian nightmare, more damning evidence of the UK's tragic descent into fascism.....Fascism was once defined by Mussolini - founder of the first self-proclaimed Fascist Government - himself as the fusion of big corporations and the state. A country does not need Blackshirts and a "Führer" to be a fascist state..... sometimes, a posh snob in a pin-stripe suit can be just as effective!

Crony capitalism (the powerful capitalists exerting influence over policy) is merely a natural progression from capitalism (the transference of wealth into the hands of a few elites)....  this is nothing like a free market, this is a highly regulated fascist, protectionist, market. The clue is in the title, if it was a free market you wouldn't be paying tax on everything.

The term free market is often used in politics today but don't be fooled into thinking they're telling you what it is, they're just trying to please those who do support free market economics. A bit like when politicians claim to be "libertarian" when it's clear they have no understanding of the philosophical concepts of libertarianism, it's just buzz word to gain votes. 

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