Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Obama Admits He Rules The World

Obama tells President of France's aid " I CAN DO WHATEVER I WANT " admitting he rules the world ! President Obama was visiting Thomas Jefferson's home, Monticello with France's president François Hollande when they decided to break protocol and walk to a different area of the estate. Obama remarked, "That's the good thing about being president, I can do whatever I want."

1 comment:

  1. To add to your knowledge concerning the rest of the worlds view on America and Americans. The standing of the USA fell off a cliff under the administration of Bush 43. Under Obama it stands below that of a rattle snakes belly. The US is no longer believed or trusted and in many cases is viewed with utter contempt. The US Dollar is being flushed down the Toilet as fast as the Nations can dump it. The Kenyan Islamic in the White House has no intention of operating within the Constitution and Bill of rights which from his passed performances he seems bent on usurping and destroying any semblance of lawful administration. The plunge into fascism corporate cleptocracy accelerates with every day. He has handed the reigns of power over to Dual citizen Israeli Zionist Jews. The American experiment has ended in abject failure! America has become a Zionist occupied Nation with all the ethics of an alley cat on heat.
