Tuesday, February 11, 2014

MADE IN CHINA : China Rises - China or Bust

China -- a superpower emerging at breakneck speed. It's the Holy Grail for risk-taking entrepreneurs. Every day, hundreds of British businessmen arrive full of hope and expectation. It's the land of opportunity. It's a place where dreams can come true. But Chinese entrepreneurs, unleashed after 50 years of communism, are taking no prisoners in their own relentless quest for wealth. In the wild east, only the toughest will survive.

This a short clip from a four part series on China hosted by Ted Koppel. The series is called The People's Republic of Capitalism. The common complaint that the Chinese are taking jobs away from American workers is in many cases true. China has lifted 300 million people out of poverty in less than a generation That's a population, pretty much the size of the United States. The name of the game now is to bring the remaining billion out of poverty and they are going to be our competitors for oil, they are going to be our competitors for water

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