Sunday, February 9, 2014

Fukushima Disaster -- The Horrible Truth About Fukushima by Helen Caldicott, MD

Author and Pediatrician Helen Caldicott takes time out of her busy schedule to join me to discuss the unfolding events at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power station in Japan. Fukushima was devastated by a massive earthquake on March 11, 2011 which led directly to a massive failure causing hydrogen explosions which blew the roof off of at least two of the reactor buildings. Tepco and the Japanese government have understated the radiation dangers and the dire reality of the situation from day one.

Helen says, at this point there is no "best case scenario" for Fukushima, just worsening degrees of horror because it's scientifically impossible to clean up what has already occurred. And with thousands of spent fuel rods and thousands more active rods still in the fuel pools of the damaged reactor buildings, the worst case scenario - if another major earthquake hits the area - is an ecological nightmare of biblical proportions for everyone living in the Northern hemisphere.

An Interview with Helen Caldicott, physician, anti-nuclear advocate, and prolific author. Helen explains to us the horrific consequences we face as humanity if we continue using nuclear power, with its inevitable, irreversible damage to people and the planet, with Fukushima and its horrific repercussions, being a dire warning for what is to come. We talk about depleted uranium weapons, which are being made from nuclear waste, and the genocidal effects they are having wherever they are used, with the long term cancers and birth defects. We discuss the urgency to address the insanity that is gripping the planet, which we are getting used to, via the male dominance in government, with their psychopathic imbalances, and destructive tendencies, which is literally destroying the planet, and the happiness and wellbeing of the people living on it. We both agree that people need to become educated, informed, and act together to change the future, to make it liveable for future generations.


  1. This so called expert ( pediatrician)? woman has for a 2nd time, put her foot in her mouth. She has stated that in 'her' opinion men are the cause of most of the worlds problems! Hmmm... what about the saying 'behind every man' think Hilary Clinton.. did not do much for Slick Willie!! In this SGT podcast she blatantly makes the statement that quote; she does not believe in God!! Intellectuals seem to all have the same disease..predominantly left brained morons!! If she's your pediatrician RUN away as fast as your little feet can carry you!!

    1. Men think if they got big nuke toys, that women going to love them long time like Pu half life. It don't work like that.

  2. Helen Caldicott is a world-class nut job.

    1. Socref is a low class pronuke scum

    2. At least I have the courage to stand by my convictions. What do you have? Annonymous puke.

  3. Actually Caldicott is hands down one of the best people ever to arrive on this disgusting planet!
    This excellent and generous with detail presentation "Says It All"!
