Sunday, February 9, 2014

Economic Collapse 2014 -- The End of the Monetary System As We Know It

Jeff Berwick is interviewed by Kerry Lutz of on getting your assets out of the US in the face of upcoming capital controls particularly FATCA. Also on the possibility of a global tax suggested by the IMF

we're living a freaking neo-marxist fascist nightmare in a police state ,The financial markets are set up akin to a chain letter of fraud and corruption for the benefit of the top dogs. All the mullet investors have to know is that they will not enjoy the fruits of the money harvest. When the top of the market is reached, it's time to harvest the catch using the sucker bait. That is the reward reserved for the inside traders and politicians who support the federal reserves multi- trillion dollar derivative debt based model. You see, the financial pyramid is rigged by the casino money junkies who run wall street for their friends, using the mullet investors as the foundation stones..

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