Sunday, January 5, 2014

World War 3 is Upon us!

The war has begun!
Get ready for thermonuclear warfare!

Some more news not included in this video:

Nuclear Attack on Syria 2 -- May 11, 2013
The identification of the nuclear explosion can be confirmed by the lightning observed in the mushroom cloud cited discussed by Veteran's Today: Gordon Duff.
Nuclear Bomb Blast
"The fireball produces temperatures up to millions of degrees, shock waves similar to a large earthquake, flashes similar to lightning and intense radiation."
The use of a nuclear weapon has also been confirmed by the flash driving all spectrums of monitoring cameras into saturation.

Israel Nuclear Attack On Syria Confirmed -- May 07, 2013
"Analysis of the video from Syria proves it to be a nuclear air burst beyond all doubt.
Many people said the blast could not have been nuclear because the color was wrong. But a frame analysis of the exact frame that captured the initial blast proves the camera maxed out in all 3 color channels, which by itself proves the blast was nuclear."

The May 5, 2013 Israeli Nuclear Attack on Syria -- 55 Dead? Make That 10,000! -- - May 14, 2013
"Then Syria reported the complete loss of 2 entire military divisions, and the Aleppo airport to three huge blasts "of a weapons type they had not witnessed before".
So the real death count (could) be in the tens of thousands, and Syria might not even have a real military left."

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