Sunday, January 5, 2014

Changing Ourselves Changes Everything – By Jason Liosatos

It is a scientific fact that everything is connected and everything affects everything else, so there is no doubt that when we change ourselves for the better we help change everything and everyone else for the better.
Scientific studies show us that even when we observe something it changes, and in my interview with the great cellular biologist Bruce Lipton we discussed this, and the manipulation of matter via consciousness.  There is no doubt that humanity is an orchestra that is out of tune with itself and its fellow players, so it is also a fact that for the orchestra of humanity to play in harmony again together, each individual member must re-tune themselves in order to affect and harmonize the whole.
There is great hope for us, because the more hope dwindles, the more determined we become to retrace our steps, recover ourselves and re establish that hope, by acting to change ourselves, each other and the future.  As humanity we are at both an incredibly exciting and an incredibly daunting crossroads, as we realize that if we continue on our current trajectory of separation, greed, power and xenophobia we are almost certainly destined to exacerbate and destroy our already very dislocated and disrupted societies. The exciting part of this is that we are finally remembering that we had forgotten the fact that we are all intimately connected on both a molecular, psychological and spiritual level, which means we have a great responsibility and obligation to ourselves and all of humanity, to put ourselves right and help alter the whole frequency of our existence.
The more we rush ahead of ourselves in our pursuit of what we hope will fulfill ourselves, the more we seem to lose ourselves, so in our rush to complete ourselves we ironically fragment ourselves, but it is the feeling of that fragmentation, dislocation and despair that is the alarm bell which alerts us and awakens us to the danger, urgency and emergency that we change our course back towards ourselves again.
There is a great calling from every human soul on the planet, a yearning, to reconnect with themselves, like a falcon returning to the falconer, and we stand poised at the great crossroads of change and transformation, like children wanting to come home – Jason Liosatos

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