Friday, January 10, 2014

The Reality of "Free"Trade by Lyndon Larouche

The Reality of "Free"Trade by L.LaRouche

Reason Versus Revolution Keynote Speech by Lyndon LaRouche;February 18, 1995, ICLC Schiller Institute conference. Mr. LaRouche kicked off a
two-day open conference which was devoted to mobilizing Americans against the Conservative Revolution associated with Republican politicos Newt Gingrich, the Speaker of the House of Representatives who is seeking to implement the
anti-constitutional plan outlined in his "Contract with America" pamphlet, and Sen. Phil Gramm of Texas, who officially announced his candidacy for President of the United
States the week of the conference. The fascist content of that revolution, the qualifications of the LaRouche movement to lead the fight against it, and the consequences of failing to defeat it, were the subject of a series of keynote presentations and panels, followed by a session devoted to open discussion
by members of the audience with the panelists.Opening keynote speech is by Lyndon LaRouche, following him is Health Minister Abdul Alim Muhammad of the Nation of Islam speaking on behalf of Minister Louis Farrakhan, and there is a short question and answer period after. Questions are about free trade, to Mr. Muhammad about the NOI statement that white people are devils, can we create a better music education system, why the founding fathers allowed slavery to continue, and what role does sense perception play in education.

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