Tuesday, January 7, 2014

The Final Countdown ~ Dr. Joseph Chiappalone & Jeff Rense

Jeff Rense & Dr. Joseph Chiappalone - The Final Countdown

 The War To End All Evil
By Dr. Joseph Chiappalone, MD
My Motto - Take It Or Leave It

If you are easily frightened, reconsider reading what follows.

Even though it is on the front page of my website, I thought I would republish that chapter again to remind readers that we are in THE FINAL STAGES of a Spiritual War that has massive consequences for all of us in the physical.

Alas, the failures (non-Viables) will understand little of this essay, and little of the explanations that I have written that answer

· Who were are,
· How we got into this unholy mess on Earth and
· What is being done to rectify this crassness.

The anguish of those who do not want to understand, and of those who actively fight against the rectification of this massive Problem of Evil confronting us in our existence will grow as will the gloom of their soul's upcoming perpetual night. . .

. . . The war is manifesting on all levels of our consciousness and this you witness as you become more and more aware: It is all out WAR in the physical, mental, emotional, psychic, intellectual, etheric, astral, and spiritual realms. . . .

, , , In this Endtime War in which we must perforce see the separation of the wheat from the chaff, partnerships sponsored by Evil will dissipate. Thus, if you are in a marriage with a non-Viable, assuming you are Viable, expect it to collapse, sooner rather than later.

If you are in business with non-Viables, and especially demons, your newfound insight will make it very difficult for you to continue doing business with them.

Traps will be set for you by the system in an attempt to stop you in your tracks. . . .

1 comment:

  1. Sooo, what happened to the 28:th of may earthquake. Where is the 15000 feet tsunami? as Dr. Chiappalone predicted.
