Tuesday, January 7, 2014

INFOWARS Nightly News: with Lee Ann McAdoo Tuesday January 7 2014: Dr. Richard C. Davis

On The January 7, 2014 Broadcast Of The Infowars Nightly News. LeeAnn McAdoo Hosts & We Interview Dr. Richard C. Davis, M.D. On The Dangers Of Radiation On The West Coast. News Covered: Drudge: I've Opted Out Of Obamacare For Life. JP Morgan Pays 2 Billion To Avoid Madoff Ponzi Prosecution. RBS pays Fine For Manipulating Interest Rates. Gun Agenda Backfires 2013 Gun Sales Smash Records. Scientists Discover Conjoined Gray Whale Calves Dying Near West Coast. Professor Denies West Coast Radiation Link to Fukushima.

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