Sunday, January 5, 2014

SHOCKING ~ USGS Releasing "Man-Made" Earthquake Map

The powers that be (elite) are doing more damage to the planet for money than they did before the government stepped in in the 1970's with the Clean Air and Clean Water acts. Everything is so corrupt. They want to kill us all (that aren't the 1%) and take our stuff.

This just goes to show that they can No Longer Hide The Fact that Fracking causes Earthquakes!
Federal officials are wrestling with how to account for the hazard created by man-made earthquakes, many of which are triggered by oil and gas activities.
In the past, the U.S. Geological Survey has generally excluded shaking related to industrial activity from its earthquake hazard maps. The maps project the likelihood of large, natural earthquakes and are used to develop building codes, plan roads and bridges, and set insurance rates.
But amid an increase in the number and severity of man-made quakes in oil and gas regions, scientists and engineers at the agency are developing a separate map that will include what geologists call "induced seismicity."

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