Sunday, January 5, 2014

Game Over! Dollar Dead! Gold $7000

The insurance companies, now an arm of the federal government, will act as the equivalent to an off shore account used as a slush fund. No one will admit how much money is transferred out to insurance companies via subsidies, or back in to the government through taxes and insurance company profit limits.Much like the "predatory forced mortgage foreclosure insurance" scam that no one can wrap their mind around? Which we are starting to see round two of since 2008? Which basically nets lending institutions HUGE tracks of real estate for free. the Obama administration's secret negotiations with the insurance companies involved stipulations that the insurance companies would provide kickbacks to the government in exchange a version of Obamacare that is specifically designed to enrich the insurance companies rather than drive down the prices of health care. I can see no other reason for the secret meetings between the administration and insurance companies and the otherwise half-witted implementation of Obama's health care plan.

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