Sunday, January 12, 2014

Secrets of the Third Reich The Rediscovery of Vimanas

Video about how the Synagogue of Satan through the Nazis rediscovered Atlantis and its flash frozen technology by channeling evil spiritual entities along with using occult knowledge found during their Ahnenerbe project. During Operation Highjump (and later Operation Deep Freeze), the Americans went to Antarctica and took the technology back to their D.U.M.B.s in the U.S. deserts to be retro-engineered and mastered within black projects along with other horrors being worked on for the coming New World Order of the Antichrist. The Nazi occultists/scientists were also moved to America under Operation Paperclip (Odessa) to work on the black projects, turn the OSS into the CIA, and help turn Jack Parson's JPL into NASA.

These modern vimanas & vailixi will be used to fool billions via an "alien" strong delusion to help bring in the New World Order & one world false 'cosmic' New Age religion of the Antichrist. Would "aliens" or fallen angels/demons be more likely to help give technological blueprints & other evil knowledge to sinister Nazis (satanists)??? Especially just in time for the New World Order of the Antichrist!

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