Monday, January 6, 2014

Predicting The Big One ~ Earthquakes and the Solar System

NASA and the other government affiliates should be ashamed that they are not the ones, giving this data to the public.
1) Magnetic Polarity Data: -- it has stopped updating since 11/23/2013.
2) Jupiter opposes the sun now, and Venus conjoins Mercury on January 8th. Anyone see that coronal hole coming in now?
3) There are some things you cannot un-see. If indeed the IMF and coronal holes are quake factors as I suggested for 2 years, then the underlying magnetics of the sun MUST be relevant to seismicity. I THOUGHT I was going to find an answer to the baffling quake droughts! ...I'm still in shock at how perfectly this matches.
4) Today's news will appear on the website only, in a few hrs, going back to sleep. Be safe everyone.

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