Sunday, January 5, 2014

Agenda 21 The Depopulation Agenda For a New World Order

The U.S Military Will Use Weather as a Weapon on AMERICAN Citizens ,The Depopulation Agenda For a New-World-Order Agenda 21
People are waking like wildfire! They're (elite) scared and should be! They had better get there tunnels in order, because this planet is not big enough for the cowards to hide from the informed.

 it's a mastermind plan.I would have never thought about this not in 1000 years.There are solutions to everything,including global warming but killing people slowly takes away legally their fortune and makes business profitable for some people,armies,grave diggers,medicine companies etc


  1. Weather as an weapon seem really interesting.Well lately we encounter disaster and those are because of weather like rain ,snow ,hurricane and other calamity and i am wondering now how can they do it as a weapon.?

  2. Horse puckey! The entire population of the planet could fit in New Zealnd and/or Australia. What a bunch of nutcases
