Saturday, January 11, 2014

Poverty in America ~ The Haves vs. The Have Nots - Paul Craig Roberts

As unemployment benefits for more than a million Americans expired, another batch of Americans achieved a milestone in US history, namely US lawmakers, in which for the first time, more than half the members of the House and Senate became millionaires. Why is there such disparity given the current bleak economic conditions in the US, where there are 50 million Americans on food stamps, and yet half of the lawmakers are millionaires? In this edition of the debate, we'll try to find out who and what is responsible for this, which the occupy movement aptly categorized as the 1% reaping the benefits, at the expense of the 99%?

1 comment:

  1. There better off not getting the poison thats in our food sitting on the shelves, its all a slow death game.People in government are in thats Just us.
