Saturday, January 11, 2014

OBAMA The TELEPROMPTER PUPPET President - OBAMA is Just a Tightly Controlled Actor

Sarah Silverman was at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas to help Cisco Systems present its vision of the future, which they call The Internet of Things.

But the caustic comedian couldn't let the opportunity pass to make fun of director MIchael Bay, who experienced and embarrassing failure Monday during his attempted presentation for Samsung's new line of curved HDTVs.

Sarah appeared on stage with Cisco CEO John Chambers and, according to The Hollywood Reporter, faked having difficulty reading her lines, then said: 'I don't want to Michael Bay this thing,' referring to the Transformers director walking off stage after his teleprompter failed and he could not manage to stumble through his speech.

Transformers director Michael Bay suffered a teleprompter malfunction during a presentation of Samsung televisions. After stumbling over his lines, he walked off the stage. Colm O'Regan offers tips for the tongue-tied.

In the greater scheme of things, it's not that important. Michael Bay attempted to "just wing it" and then looked like Wile E Coyote after he realises there is no cliff underneath him.

Everyone will get on with their lives. The remorseless advance of technology will not be halted. Next year, the Edible SmartPhone and the Ingestible Tablet (or Suppositori) will be launched by someone who isn't Michael Bay.

Michael Bay 'Embarrassed' After Stage Walk-Off
The Transformers director walks off stage after an apparent autocue error, and later admits he "embarrassed himself".

During a press conference this morning, the president said he sympathized with Occupy Wall Street protesters -- words that are already ringing entirely hollow for those engaged with the movement, given that Obama's top campaign contributors include four of Wall Street's biggest investment banks.

"The American people understand that not everybody is following the rules. Wall Street is an example of that," Obama told journalists gathered at the White House.

"These days a lot of folks doing the right thing aren't rewarded, and a lot of folks not doing the right thing are rewarded," the president added.

"I think people are frustrated and the protesters are giving voice to a more broad frustration about how our financial system works," Obama went on to say.

When asked why he had not done more to prosecute Wall Street crooks, the president suggested that, although highly immoral practices had occurred, no illegal activity had taken place.

"Part of people's frustration, part of my frustration, is that a lot of practices going on weren't against the law," he said.

Realists, however, may be more inclined to believe the inaction stems from the fact that the Obama administration is chock full of former Wall Street executives.

Krystal Ball, reading badly from her MSNBC teleprompter, is pushing the latest socialist idea tantalizing folks who are clueless about economics and human nature.

It was no Republican plot, but someone made off with the teleprompter that has been the subject of conservative jokes about President Obama. Also stolen were the presidential seals. And Obama's lectern.
In fact, Eric Brown stole enough equipment from the office of the president that he could have staged his own presidential news conference — if he hadn't pawned some of the gear at shops in Prince George's and Montgomery counties.

Bruce Johnston, a member of the Beach Boys, spoke his mind recently about Obama and Romney. His comments were caught on a cell phone video.
Bruce Johnston: Obama's a socialist asshole.

Reagan paraded himself as a Libertarian, but when the rubber met the road he was just another statist Republican-Keynesian who took orders from the Federal Reserve and the bankers. He cranked up the national debt and showered the military industrial complex will billions.

Back in the day the untutored hordes screamed "Let Reagan be Reagan." This meant more mass murder perpetrated by the United States in Lebanon and Central America. Unfortunately, when it comes down to this kind of stuff there seems to be a major malfunction on the part of far too many Americans

1 comment:

  1. Hi...Thanks for sharing an excellent article. There has lots of information about teleprompter. Thanks again..
