Friday, January 24, 2014

Obama's Coming Coup D'état of America

Obama isn't a caricature ! He's a full blown delusional Whack Job,controlled by off shore bankers and corporations!

Plain and simple Barry, you usurped the highest office in the land. You have perpetrated the biggest joke in US history at the expense of the American People. You have made our country the comedy club world stage. As if your policies aren't bad enough, you just keep going. Now you are in fast mode to destroy our military. Barry, YOUR ACTIONS, not your colour, not what anyone says about you, has brought you to this all time low. You are not for the United States or Her People. You are not even an American Citizen... you sir are a phony, a flim flam man. Your actions have secured you a place in history as the worst president these United States have ever seen. You do not have my sympathies... you work to destroy our country...

1 comment:

  1. Thats the beauty of what money buys now a days. The evil elite money barons can take a gay guy not even born in this country see that he becomes president n dictates their will on the american people, taking over this country without firing a shot.
