Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Leo Zagami -- Obama is The Anti Christ & He is Working for a 3rd Term

Doctor General Leo Zagami is a Russian Agent with the FSB, 33rd Degree Freemason with the P2 Lodge of Italy and Grand Master of the Illuminati. He says President Obama is a 33rd degree Freemason and that the British Queen is a Satanist.

Until recently, Leo Zagami was a high-level member of the Italian Illuminati, and a 33rd Degree Freemason -- a true insider of the infamous Freemasonic P2 Lodge. He was their 'Prince', prepared to take over after the older Illuminati 'King', Licio Gelli. Being of Illuminati aristocratic bloodline he was involved in the Illuminati Order since childhood. Leo's decision to leave the circle of evil, and horrifying Satanic black magic rituals, mind control, and torture that was going on inside the lodges behind closed doors came at a very life-threatening price.
Instead of hiding at the risk of being found and abolished, Leo has since dedicated every moment to openly exposing the nightmarish crimes and factual truths behind the deeply secret societies, hidden cults, religions, and black operations involving government and other luciferian and satantic fraternities from all branches, sub branches, and belief structures. He has also had personal interaction with Vatican insiders and access to documents within that not even high ranking officials are given permission to view. Discussions with, and involving members from, the Illuminati, Freemason, and Knights Templar societies are just another day of common communications in the life of this whistleblower. Leo has been able to continue on the positive path, regardless of being falsely accused of unprovable crimes, and those close to him corrupted and manipulated for their own personal or political gain. He still holds high hopes for our freedom from these Cabal Elitists and works tirelessly amongst his interconnected network of white-hats, friends, and associates to bring forward compelling information through his books, website, articles, and Illuminati News radio station.


  1. Obama the antiChrist oh no for it will be satan himself being cast from Heaven Rev 12:6-9 to earth claiming to be Jesus will be the antiChrist but all will wonder n worship the dragon after healtn the Deadly Wound to that one world government that will not come into being til satan comes to this earth.We are living in the final generation of the Fig Tree

    1. Also, the antichrist will not need a teleprompter.

  2. do you want to be a member of the Illuminati as brotherhood that can make you rich and famous forever, it can also give you a talent and power control people in high places in the global I'm glad today i am a full member of Illuminati,because am now a successful man and with the power of illuminate because for the help of Illuminati, i was very poor before then i get this contact on intranet i introduce my self to him say that i want to be their a member,he tell me very things that we do then i did it, i am very pride now i am a successful man,
    thank you mr William for help me to be a member brotherhood mr William who have a successful impact with this occult Illuminati.He is really member of Illuminati he did everything for me, and now I'm so happy to be a member of the Illuminati, I am now rich and wealthy power, famous ,if any one out there you really want to be a member kandly contact mr William on via +2347061824880 allmightbazulartemple@gmail.com
