Tuesday, January 21, 2014

ex Buddhist Monk Ji Marshall Interview

Current Blogs Podcasts at Blog Talk Radio with JasonLiosatos on BlogTalkRadio

My talk with Ji Marshall an ex Buddhist Monk, and advocate for personal and global peace. We talk about the irony of finding liberation, consciousness and transformation via our struggle, separation and despair. Ji reminds us of the importance of enjoying being alive and connecting with nature, and poses the question of what would happen if we all had our identities and labels removed and wiped clean, to just live in that state of just being, living together in peace. We discuss our divisions and separations, creating wars and unhappiness. We explore our programming and how to work with, and transform our wounds that we accumulate in our lives, and the importance of compassion, cooperation, kindness, how interconnected we all are, and some antidotes to alienation, depression, anxiety, and that personal breakdowns are actually 'breakthroughs'. We talk about choice and the healing power of nature, laughing, and fun, to combat the brutality of our system with its pressures to survive, and how to find the courage to change, transform and drop the things that are not good for us, being gentle with ourselves, and to thrive not just survive. www.jasonliosatos.com

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