Friday, January 31, 2014

How to Fix the Banking System and Make it Socially Useful

We can't trust profit-seeking bankers and we can't trust vote-seeking politicians. What we need to do - and this is critically important - is to separate the decision over how much money needs to be put into economy and what that money would be used for.

"When you go to a mechanic to have a look at your car, he'll tell you how much oil you need to put into the car, but he's not gonna tell you where you can drive."

1 comment:

  1. Goldman Sachs enemy of the human race, as it has destroy europe greece, italy palestine, iran, tried as hard as it can to russia south america, china, japan india all of africa; in the 21 century multinationals are the problem not individual banks, as well corporations such as louis vuitton, microsoft apple, boeing, raytheon, etc, big banks are the problem to employment, and traders are the soldiers of death. therefore it is the end of the Rothschilds banking logic, from 1789, It has ended folks, so big banks must disappear; by their own weight, and miscalculations.
