Thursday, January 30, 2014

All about BITCOIN

PROJECT CAMELOT: LIVE WITH PALADIN ON BITCOIN & SUPERBOWL .Kerry Cassidy talks with Paladin from the White Hats (currently a columnist here on the Camelot site), all about BITCOIN..why it differs from fiat currency and the efforts of the PTB to stop it from replacing our monetary system. Paladin is uniquely qualified to weigh in on this topic as a forensic financial investigator with a background in corporate and government agency contracts. As a member of the website responsible for the investigation and publishing of a number of reports following the money into black projects and down the rabbit hole ( ) his views of this current challenge to the corrupt monetary system should be fascinating and enlightening to those who will take the time to listen.
UPDATE: We will also be discussing the recent Terror Bowl letter that has been circulating around the internet for the last few days regarding a possible false flag event. There are some interesting nuances with this that again, Kerry and I have discussed in the past and the synchronicity of this letter demands that we discuss them. --Paladin

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