Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Are All Soldiers War Criminals? ~ Stefan Molyneux

A parenting intervention, the immersion of free market solutions in Detroit, don't be an asshole of the future, is Adam Kokesh a war criminal, Noam Chomsky and anarcho-syndicalism, feeling stuck about why you are stuck, I can not explain why I love my Mother and respect your elders dammit!

00:35 - A Parenting Intervention
57:33 - Free Market Solutions in Detroit/Don't Be An Asshole of the Future
1:31:56 - Is Adam Kokesh a War Criminal? Noam Chomsky and Anarcho-Syndicalism
1:52:13 - Feeling stuck about why you are stuck.
2:08:04 - Respect Your Elders Dammit!

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