Friday, January 24, 2014

Another War Right After Geneva Talks

Before the second round of Geneva peace talks even started, Iran was uninvited to the talks by the U.N. It was because Iran would not agree that Bashar al-Assad should be removed as part of any peace plan. The Syrian peace talks have turned into a name calling event with both sides posturing. The peace talks are solidifying the fact that more war is coming, and it will likely intensify. This shows that after 130,000 were killed in the bloody Syrian civil war, there is no end in sight.

It also looks like the deal to curtail Iran's nuclear program is on shaky ground. One CNN anchor called it "a train wreck." Iranian President Hassan Rouhani told CNN "not under any circumstances" would it destroy key parts of its nuclear program, such as thousands of centrifuges.

Obama Care is in big trouble, and it might take down some big insurance companies. Moody's is downgrading the outlook for the health insurance industry because of Obama Care. Moody's says, "If these things don't work, it may have a longer and more detrimental effect on the industry. . . "

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