Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Transhuman Agenda... A World of Cyborgs & Robotics

We must get a way from the banking systems that be. They are all owned by Elite groups that care only about their families. They do it all for their families and to enslave humanity. We must rise against it!.... It's kind of like a rich person who is born into the situation that he is in. They know nothing else and so could care less what you really think. They get a way with fraud and murder while you the slave to the system are just a pawn to their false reality.

Know them by their actions-not by their facades. They do the "great Oz behind the screen" routine to confound the masses and control all media, directing their approved programming. I think it is time to slay the beast-the metal slag needs to be disassembled-before it invades everyone, I am not down with the sickness-not today, not tomorrow,? not ever

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