Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Samuel L. Jackson Wants You To Have More Credit Card Debt

People should really know how to read a disclosure before getting a credit card and actually know what they're doing if they really want one and do all the research beforehand. Doesn't take a genius to figure out that you're not supposed to have a high balance and that you're supposed to keep it at less than 30% utilization. A lot of this stuff should be common sense.

I wouldn't recommend credit cards unless you know how to manage your money.

In other words, instead of using a debit card to spend your money that you have in the bank (stop reading if this doesn't apply to you), use a credit card and pay it off regliously, and never keep a balance. 

This allows you to get lots of rewards, instead of suckers who carry a balance and pay interest to the CC company.   Just by using my amazon card, I can routinely need something from amazon, and I hop online, the item is 50 bucks or so, and I just got it for free.   There are other rewards such as airline miles and such, but you have to think what works best for you at the current time and place.

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