Thursday, December 19, 2013

The Reckoning Fire, Fractures & Future Terrorist Attacks ~ Coast To Coast AM Alternative - 19 Dec 2013

Coast To Coast AM Alternative - 19 Dec 2013 The Reckoning Fire, Fractures & Future Terrorist Attacks Coast to Coast AM ALT Date:19 Dec 2013 Coast to Coast AM ALT Host:Doug/ Joe Hagmann Coast to Coast AM ALT This Week Guests:Nathan Leal Coast to Coast AM ALT Topic:The Reckoning Fire, Fractures & Future Terrorist Attacks

1 comment:

  1. Question..What do these events have in commen?
    9/11 WTC, Pentagon
    7/7/05 london subway bombing
    Oklahoma City bombing
    Norway Oslo attacks
    Sandy Hook
    Aurora Col. Batman shooting
    Taft Union HS 1/10/13
    Boston Marathon 4
    Answer...Live terror drills were conducted same scenario same day either on location or very close.
    The media ignors this completly they are Terror Drills that went Live.

    compiled by Ed Ward check it out this terror is a made to destroy America so they will end up owning everything as they must have most government players either paid off or blackmailem at the drop of a hat if they don't do what their told. And when you consider if 1 out of 5 kids are on prescription meds probably 4 out of 5 adults with the flouride in the water chemicals on the food chemtrails poisoning the air we the people don't pose to much of a promblem so they just dictate policy n we say ok what ever you say. Tell that to your sons n daughters in the military or you kids over a bowl of GMO cornflakes
