Thursday, December 19, 2013

Alex Jones Show: Thursday (12-19-13) Paul Jenkins & Glenn Jacobs

On this Thursday, December 19 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex examines the latest frightening move towards capital controls as a White House review panel report suggests the government used the NSA to launch cyber attacks against financial institutions and manipulate bank accounts, and as retail outlet Target reports over 40 million of their Black Friday shoppers' information could be compromised. On today's show, Jones welcomes Paul Jenkins, the President and CEO of Veteran Beer Company, an American business founded by veterans and operated by a 100% veteran employee force that crafts, sells, and delivers beers of superior quality. Alex also invites actor Glenn Jacobs to give his take on the clamp down on freedom via the TSA, Internet sales tax and attack on states' rights. And Infowars reporter David Knight joins Alex in studio to discuss the Glenn Greenwald book deal controversy and the journalist's partnership with Paypal.

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