Friday, December 13, 2013

Paul Simmons ~ Infowars Nightly News: Thursday (12-12-13)

On The December 12, 2013 Broadcast Of The Infowars Nightly News, David Knight Hosts

News Covered: Issa to Sebelius on Probe: Failing to Turn Over Info is Criminal Obstruction of Justice. ESPN Drops Christmas Ad for Referencing 'God' and 'Jesus' Top ticket price for Super Bowl will increase to $2,600 in 2014. NYPD to Roll Out Police State for Super Bowl. Colbert: Government Likely Covering Up Chemtrail Conspiracy. Texas Teacher Punches, Knocks Out Student. Parents stunned that union is seeking a $10K severance for teacher who molested their son. Homeland Security Employee Who Called For Mass Murder of Whites Finally Fired. Obama Nominates Israeli Bankster as Federal Reserve Vice Chair. Interpreter at Mandela event: I was hallucinating.

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