Friday, December 13, 2013

Embrace the Suck, Japan and China War, Ukraine Protesters, US Will Have A Detroit Moment and More

There are little spending cuts and little in tax increases in the latest budget deal in Congress. There is something in it for everyone to hate. The Tea Party did not get any meaningful spending cuts, and the liberal Democrats didn't get much in the way of tax increases. Minority leader Nancy Pelosi told Democrats, "Embrace the suck." Protests are raging in the Ukraine over trade agreements with the EU and Russia. The leaders want to move closer to Russia, and the people want to move closer to the EU. Even though the stock market is at or near all-time highs, profits have peeked. Ninety percent of companies are warning of weaker than expected earnings. This pre-announcement season, according to USA Today, is "shaping up to be the most negative on record." Join Greg Hunter of as he gives his analysis on these stories and more in the Weekly News Wrap-Up.

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