Thursday, December 12, 2013

Nuclear Hell on Earth Interview with Helen Caldicott & Jason Liosatos Global Peace Radio

Nuclear Hell on Earth
Nuclear Hell on Earth

  My talk with Helen Caldicott, physician, anti-nuclear advocate, and prolific author. Helen explains to us the horrific consequences we face as humanity if we continue using nuclear power, with its inevitable, irreversible damage to people and the planet, with Fukushima and its horrific repercussions, being a dire warning for what is to come. We talk about depleted uranium weapons, which are being made from nuclear waste, and the genocidal effects they are having wherever they are used, with the long term cancers and birth defects.
We discuss the urgency to address the insanity that is gripping the planet, which we are getting used to, via the male dominance in government, with their psychopathic imbalances, and destructive tendencies, which is literally destroying the planet, and the happiness and wellbeing of the people living on it.  We both agree that people need to become educated, informed, and act together to change the future, to make it liveable for future generations.

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