Thursday, December 12, 2013

Global Warming is The Hoax of The Century ~ Mike Rivero : What Really Happened Radio Show December 12 2013

What Really Happened Radio Show: Michael Rivero Thursday December 12 2013: (Commercial Free Video) Date: 12/12/2013
Michael Rivero is the webmaster of and host of the What Really Happened radio shows on the Republic Broadcasting Network. Formerly with NASA, Michael transitioned his image processing skills (along with a brief stint as an actor) into the then-new motion picture computer animation
field and has worked on films such as "Star Trek", "The Day After Tomorrow", and has supervised visual effects on "Brainscan," "LOST", and "Hawaii Five-0." Michael has taken a sabbatical from film work to focus all his efforts on peace activism. Michaels foray into blogging began before the word was even invented, and happened almost by accident when he spotted a suspicious photograph being broadcast on ABC news in 1994 related to the death of White House deputy Council Vincent Foster. Since that sudden beginning, Michaels website has expanded to cover diverse topics including the JFK assassination, the accidental shoot-down of TWA 800,
Global Warming is The Hoax of The Century
Global Warming is The Hoax of The Century
election fraud, health issues, Saddams non-existent nuclear weapons, 9-11, the economy, and of course, the lies used to trick the United States into wars of conquest on Afghanistan, Iraq, and now Iran. Michael resides in Hawaii with his wife Claire, who is a composer and creates much of theme music used on the What Really Happened radio show.

1 comment:

  1. I tried to donate but they said I was from Canada and would not allow me to put my state in there. Weird. Try it out. Get more serious about staying alive. Fix the website. If you spent money to have it done, then check that you are getting what you paid for. God bless you.
