Monday, December 23, 2013

Federal Reserve: 100 Years of Greed & Deception

Jekyll Island, Georgia even today remains a secluded place where those inclined to make secret plans would still have reasonable privacy. Thick vegetation still encircles much of the island. The place exudes a strange blend of quaint charm and foreboding arrogance.

Local museum photos reveal this seclusion was even more pronounced back in October of 1910, when Rothschild banking agent Paul Warburg of Kuhn, Loeb & Company and six other major figures met there to plan what became the Federal Reserve System—a system which turned 100 years old as of Dec. 23, 2013.

In 2010, I visited the Jekyll Island Club Hotel for a report. I saw the hotel's Federal Reserve Room, now used for dining functions, where the Fed planners did "the deed."

A framed picture arrangement of the key Fed planners is still placed above the fireplace, which preserves the inescapable fact that this "Fed room" remains an elegant crime scene even today.

The wealthy, stealthy comrades who a century ago hammered together their central-banking scheme evaded reporters by sneaking aboard a southbound train in October of 1910. Departing from Hoboken, N.J., these Fed founders disguised themselves as duck hunters while using only their first names.

This "star lineup" of high finance which ducked into Sen. Nelson Aldrich's posh personal train car, to steam to Jekyll Island—besides European banker Paul Warburg and Sen. Aldrich— consisted of:
1. Benjamin Strong, VP of the Banker's Trust of N.Y. and J.P. Morgan's Jeykll Island emissary;
2. A. Piatt Andrew, assistant secretary of the U.S. Treasury;
3. Frank Vanderlip, former assistant Treasury secretary and president of National City Bank;
4. Henry P. Davison, senior J.P. Morgan & Co. partner; and
5. Charles D. Norton, president of NY's First National Bank, dominated by Morgan.

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