Monday, December 23, 2013

100th Anniversary of Jackal Island ~ After 100 Years Of Failure, It's Time To End The Fed!

100th Anniversary Of Jeckyll Island Meeting That Led To The Creation Of The Federal Reserve .The Fed Reserve system is a single bank with 12 subsidiaries. Interest rates and bank lending decisions come out of unelected Board Of Governors in D.C. All “money” flows thru the Federal Reserve. Therefore it is a central bank. The term “Central Bank” was debated in the 1910 meeting and avoided because the first two central banks of the U.S. were so hated. The Federal Reserve System was created by an act of Congress. It cannot be sued, has complete immunity, and secrecy. .G Edward Griffin is right.

Have you noticed that countries without a banking system founded by the Global banking cartel or influenced by them are doing "better"; this is why I believe it would have been a bad idea for Ukraine to join the EU – it would be under the spell of the Central Bank of Europe. Whilst, Russia might have been a better choice - but then it is a choice between two evils; depends which is the lesser of the two.

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