Monday, December 16, 2013

Bankers Worst Fear ~ Will Litecoin Overtake Bitcoin?

FULL Interview, Charles Lee, Litecoin Creator, Will Litecoin Overtake Bitcoin?
Key Points:
Thank you for joining us at, here with Charles Lee the creator

of Litecoin and works for Coinbase.

So you started litecoin, was it you by yourself or with a few other people?

Charles: Me by myself. I'm positioning it as silver to bitcoin's gold; its a bit

faster, has 4 times as many coins...


Charles: The main thing about bitcoin & litecoin is that it's decentralized, it

doesn't really matter who created it. I can't stop litecoin if I wanted to right

now. It's a trustless system.

FMT: Will we see China add Litecoin and the Chinese buy it?

Charles: There's a few exchanges in China that already support litecoin; more will

come, probably BTC China will support it one day.


FMT: Is it the ultimate goal for Litecoin to be the more heavily used coin?

Charles: I didn't plan on making litecoin a bitcoin competitor; I planned on them be

used side by side. I guess it's possible that litecoin could overtake Bitcoin.


  1. just another con litecon

  2. 50 million on foodstamps yea but the con....
