Sunday, November 10, 2013

New World Order Documentary The Facts Iluminati 2013 Government Secrets

Anyone still denying the fact of this attempt of a New World Order by these evil creeps, are so in denial they are going to have a rude awakening, how can they stand still especially if they have children. I did NOT bring any children into this world, I know it needs to burn first before we can have a real New World Order of Freedom for ALL. Not the few ruling families but for all people, and there is plenty of resources for everyone living on this Earth to live a great life. TAKE EM DOWN!

These few people, families all got rich off of us, the tax payers, all their family fortunes came from the tax payers money and they have been planning a take over for a Century now, how this evil survived for this long is beyond me. if our government was the banking system as written in the Constitution, even if we kept interest the way it is paid now, not one of us would be paying a sales tax, income tax or any tax to run this government, we would all be getting a check back at the end of each year for a huge amount. That is how much money the banks make daily off of interest from us all. The numbers are staggering, and why shouldn't all the people be the beneficiary to it all instead of a few banking heads? We definitely need to just call all Federal money garbage, paper shit and start over with a clean slate, all debts would have to be wiped clean, I don't know how to clean up the mess these top people and all the property they have stolen for themselves. I don't know how to clean up this claim, nobody should be able to claim a piece of Earth for eternity. Other ideas, I have explored before typing this. So many things need to change, and ownerships would have to be taken back...I could keep on writing, of what needs to be addressed to fix what has gone wrong, to name a few, Federal Reserve, Central Banking, Banks, Wall Street, Insurance Co, MEDIA, Patent Office, Corporations. The only way is to limit wealth for each person, to keep people from becoming evil again and wanting it all. This is the only way I see to stop what has been going on since the beginning of time on Earth.

1 comment:

  1. Read your Fathers Word Rev.13:3 this one world government doesn't come into being until that Deadly Wound is healed by satan when he comes to earth claiming hes Jesus....
