Thursday, October 3, 2013

Why Student Loan Debt Is Destroying the Economy

Implosion and Explosion

Well, the US economy is imploding at all fronts, (this is in diametrically opposed to Barry Soetoro's claims of economy recovery): An invasion against Syria that failed. Obama-care that is about to add extra burden on the 99ers. Hidden inflation that is not noticeable "yet". Hyped up Stock indices that they are way too high, through quantitative easing. Imbalanced receipts against irrational and runaway ............ spending. Countries around the world are moving away from USD as exchange. Outsourcing of 2-3 decades that completely ruin the infrastructures of the nation; and the jobs are not coming back soon. The Fed is printing money like there's no tomorrow, no countries in the world are buying them, except for the FED. CDS and all the toxic derivatives, in quadrillions) have yet to be addressed, except they are hidden in alternative balance-sheet, swept under the carpet - conveniently of course. The 2nd housing bubble that is about to explode. Scores of municipals and counties are about to default. MIC business (Military Industrial Complex) are dwindling with tightening economic squeeze around the globe. And, now the student-loan with ever increasing defaults.

The rising cost of higher education and reduced funding for public colleges and universities, combined with low wages and a weak job market for college graduates has created a perfect storm of escalating student loan debt that is crushing the millennial generation's hopes for participating in the American Dream. The results on the larger economy have been devastating, with no end in sight.

Host Ana Kasparian shares her unfiltered thoughts on how this crisis has reached critical mass, and what needs to be done to set things right.


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