Thursday, October 3, 2013

Rep. Alan Grayson, "Boehner doesn't want to do anything - just wants to be somebody"

Congressman Alan Grayson (D-FL, 9th District) joins Thom Hartmann. The government shutdown - the Republican grandstanding - and the latest news coming out of Capitol Hill.

1 comment:

  1. Grayson is 1/532 part of America's problem, and one who proves he's a fool everytime he opens his mouth. Another prime example is Sen. Claire McCaskill (D) from Missouri who stated, "There are more people in the Parks Dept. with more common sense than the tea party" (referring to the WWII Memorial where tour-bus loads of WWII Veterans and their families opened the temporary fences (put up on Obama's orders) and walked past security. Later in the afternoon Missouri Senator McCaskill was seen on a late news video clip schmoozing with the Veterans while walking around the Memorial (This is a despicable woman pandering for votes..."pandering = prostituting"...who should be voted out of office for embarrassing Missouri with her "kabuki Theater" antics). Incidentally, the Veterans knew exactly who was responsible for the Govt "shutdown" and pointed out the Democrat politicians walking alongside them as the culprits. McCaskills D.C. Office and her FIVE State offices were closed down and staff members furloughed...the phones were on recorded outgoing-only messages. Missourians should be ashamed of their do-nothing female Senator in 2018 at the polls...
