Sunday, October 13, 2013



I've often said that 72 hours after EBT cards stop working, every U.S. city will collapse into chaos. In case you're not familiar with the term, EBT cards are "digital food stamps." Nearly 50 million Americans are right now using EBT cards which are automatically refilled each month with welfare money the government doesn't have, increasing the national debt.

Under Obama, food stamp enrollees have exploded. The annual usage statistics for food stamps are found here, but you can't see them because under the Obama administration's contrived "shutdown theater," the website has been taken offline. Note, of course, that the food stamp program itself is still online (most of the time), thereby proving there really isn't a "government shutdown" as claimed by Obama

There, you can clearly see the explosion of food stamps under Obama, who has more than doubled the number of Americans on the program. That's considered "economic growth" by democrats, by the way: the more people who subsist on government, the better the economy.

Today, the EBT system crashed hard, causing food stamp beneficiaries across 17 states to be unable to buy their cupcakes, donuts, diet sodas and other junk foods that keep them diseased and obese. (Yes, food stamp money is primarily used buy processed junk food.)

The feds said this was due to a "system update," but this is of course a lie. Then again, every computer system in government that crashes — including the website — is now said to be "fully functioning" as if everybody in government is tripped out on acid.

Today's failure of the EBT card system is yet more evidence that the U.S. empire is rapidly falling apart. The disastrous launch of proved yet again that the Obama administration is utterly incapable of competently managing a simple R&D development project. And rather than trying to help Americans become more independent and self-reliant, Obama has worked hard to put as many people on social welfare programs as possible, vastly expanding the role of government to the point where millions of Americans no longer have any concept of having a job or supporting themselves.

And that's true. Without EBT cards, millions of Americans have no way to feed themselves. They depend entirely on government just to put food on the table. So when that government fails them, they panic.

This is why I have long held that the day America collapses into chaos is the day when EBT cards go offline and stay offline for 72 hours. Technically, that's three days, of course, but you get my point. The day the U.S. government collapses in default is fast approaching

Because an exponential rise in debt cannot be sustained, at some point the U.S. government will simply collapse into financial default. Soon after, Martial Law will have to be declared in every major U.S. city to quell the riots. Imagine 50 million Americans going hungry and realizing their welfare food credits aren't going to be available anymore and you begin to get an idea of why cities will be nearly impossible to survive when the chaos hits.  Many people now believe the U.S. is headed for a similar outcome, and that such an outcome can happen virtually overnight. The crash of EBT cards could be the tumbling domino that sets this into action. Nearly every state already has a secessionist movement calling for independence, and the Tenth Amendment Center is leading the charge on state nullification of federal tyranny. Groups like the Oath Keepers are ready to step in and help establish local law and order in the short-term chaos that would follow a dissolution of the U.S. empire.

Xerox was testing generator backups when it encountered the failure, according to the governor's office. It caused a power failure at about 11 a.m. on Saturday. Xerox was able to bring back its primary power, but connectivity to Maine and the other states was still down. The U.S. Department of Agriculture said the outage was not related to the government shutdown. survival
Three of the world's most powerful bankers warned of terrible consequences if the United States defaults on its debt,

1 comment:

  1. The Oath Keepers are a bunch of Racist Cops who hide behind their interpretation of the Constitution and the Bible. We will shoot them if they use what we consider unjust force against Minorities, and we are well armed.

    BTW, that New Nuclear Green Symbol reminds me of a Nuclear Radiated Bed Bug= America is really Fucked LMAO!!

    - The Black Man
