Sunday, October 13, 2013

10 Ways The Government Shutdown Will Affect You

O well just be happy life goes on,just once the government does get started people should try to find a way to build more public housing there are two million homeless people that live in USA.

With the anti-government Tea Party controlling the Republican Party, a shutdown of the U.S. government seems highly possible. Here are ten ways a government shutdown could affect you.
10. National parks, zoos and museums will be shuttered.
That's 368 National Park Service sites closed
9. Applications for passports won't be processed.
200,000 applications for passports went unprocessed last time.
8. Federal employees in non "critical services" will not work.
Workers were paid for their furlough last time.
7. Members of the military - a key GOP constituency - will not be paid until government is back up and running.
6. The US Post office will continue to operate.
5. This one really shows the idiocy of the Republicans who want to defund Obamacare in exchange for funding the government, because the health care act at the center of this storm would continue its implementation process during a shutdown. That's because its funds aren't dependent on the congressional budget process.
4. A shutdown would affect the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, meaning that gun permit you wanted processed wouldn't happen anytime soon.
3. Small business owners will have to wait for business loans
If you're planning to buy a home and need a federal loan, you're going to wait.
If you're a veteran, you're going to have to put up with delays in getting your pension check. If you're on Social Security, you might not have to worry. Social Security payments were sent during the last shutdown.
2. There wouldn't be anyone to collect the garbage in the nation's capital, so expect it to pile up. Washington D.C.'s budget has to be approved by Congress. No budget for the city = no trash collection. And, according to The Washington Post, D.C. produces about 500 tons of garbage each week.
1. Perhaps the biggest hit would be to the collective psyche of the American people who are having to watch as extremist members of the Republican Party hold the American people hostage. The silver lining is that a recent poll finds Americans are already placing blame on the right people, a margin of 59-19% say they oppose the GOP's efforts linking funding for "Obamacare" to funding for the government. Expect the proportion of Americans blaming the GOP to rise significantly in the coming days as it becomes clearer and clearer that the Republican Party is to blame.

1 comment:

  1. No one I know wants Obamacare. If the Tea Party can help defund it, then I say " thank God for the Tea Party"!! The president is the one responsible for shutting down the government, period!!
