Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Prophecy - Vision - Egypt (Miracle?) 2013 Update - Global Crises - Earthquake - World War 3

Will the miracle in Egypt be lasting . . .can the people win?
Earth tilt, Tornadoes, Hurricanes, Volcanoes, Earthquakes, War, droughts, economic collapse, hail storms, pandemic

Egypt is a definite win against the New World order. If you watched the coverage on the Illuminatti western media stations al they could say was 'he was democratically elected' like trained monkeys - I think in a democracy if leader is elected and the people no longer wanted (one man one vote) then he must go, and if they want him to go immediately let it be so . . . lets hope it lasts . . .

It was wonderful to see the people win for a change in Egypt. Usually our governments have total power. It filled me with hope, but will it last . . . have we witnessed a miracle? We can hope but . . .

UPDATE: Egypt coup was accomplished with the help of financial backing of Saudi Arabia and other Middle Eastern countries . . . . power is shifting . . .

Dream - vision - prophecy -- Egypt (Miracle?) 2013 Update -- Global Crises - Earthquake - World War 3

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