Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Alex Jones Show: Tuesday (10-22-13) Benjamin Smith

On the Tuesday, October 22 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex covers the slow disintegration of the once fabled engine of prosperity in the United States as the federal government moves to sharply cut back the dole for 47 million economic victims of the bankster elite, a gang of international criminals who have managed to sock future generations of Americans into perpetual slavery with a $1,000,000,000,000 debt. Alex also takes a look at a move by Homeland Security to spend $80 million to beef up security around the bastions of its criminal operations, in particular the IRS, recently assigned to act as enforcers against Americans refusing to participate in the monstrosity known as Obamacare. On today's show, Alex talks with Benjamin Smith, a former Navy SEAL and Iraq veteran. Smith will address how American veterans were shamelessly exploited during the faux shutdown and the ongoing effort by the government to take advantage of them for political ends.

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