Monday, October 14, 2013

Financial Apocalypse ~ The World Is Preparing For The Dollar Collapse Are You?

I would love to see a world wide Financial Collapse. This is just a scare tactic too try to win the hearts of the people to force the printing of more worthless PetroDollars.
We need a collapse so that we can reset a failed system. Let it happen!!! The problem is TOOOOO much debt.

The FDIC along with other countries are preparing a simulation of bank failures at the end of this year running. They will simulate bail-ins. China is making preparations for the collapse of the dollar. They want the US to step aside and no longer be the reserve currency of the world. Israel is preparing to go to war with Iran. The US want the Syrian Government removed and replaced before peace talks can take place. The shutdown continues, the big question will the shutdown go past the default date so the President can declare a national emergency to enact the Executive Orders.

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