Wednesday, September 18, 2013

The Alex Jones Show: Rep. Walter Jones : Wednesday September 18 2013

The Alex Jones Show:(VIDEO Commercial Free) Wednesday September 18 2013: Rep. Walter Jones Corporate Media's Sidestepping 09/18/2013 On this Wednesday, September 18 broadcast of the Alex Jones Show, Alex continues to analyze how the corporate media has completely sidestepped the role that psychotropic drugs might have played in the D.C. Navy shooting and whether suspect Aaron Alexis was on any medication. Alex also addresses the seven illegal immigrants who have chained themselves to the White House fence demanding President Obama "halt all deportations" while claiming he has a moral obligation to keep illegal immigrant families together. Alex addresses the new reports revealing IRS employees were acutely aware Obama wanted a crackdown on Tea Party groups and specifically ordered them to be targeted. Congressman Walter Jones Jr., the US Representative for North Carolina's 3rd congressional district, joins the show to discuss Obama's blatant breach of executive powers and why he deserves impeachment.

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