Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Syria Update ~ Veritas Special Report | John Paul Leonard

Veritas Special Report | John Paul Leonard | Syria Update

Skull and Bones Globalist Pirate “Demon John Kerry” can’t wait to report to his Demonic Puppet Masters (Goon Chessboard Ziggy B. and Pedophile Kissinger) while foaming at the mouth that he is going to destroy Innocence and Beauty including the Cute Innocent Kid in the picture above. It is time for Real Christians to Rise up against the Devil Worshipping NWO Teleprompter Administration who is running the Most Evil Organization in the World: AL-CIA-DUH. Furthermore, the Fake Syrian Army (FSA/AL-CIA-DUH) have been CAUGHT running Chemical Weapons Attacks with Syria in May, 2013 by the Freakin UN.

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