Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Japan PM Says Radioactive Fukushima Will Not be a Problem by 2020

Japanese Prime minister Shinzo Abe says contaminated water from the Fukushima nuclear plant will no longer be a problem by 2020, in time for a possible Tokyo 2020 Olympics.

Full story:

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on Wednesday said the issue of contaminated water at the Fukushima nuclear plant will be resolved by 2020, in time for a possible Tokyo Summer Olympic.

Abe is going first to Saint Petersburg, Russia for the G20 and later on to Buenos Aires, Argentina for the IOC session for a final pitch for Tokyo to host the 2020 summer Olympics.

Radiation around the plant's tanks holding contaminated water have spiked more than 20 percent to their highest level, raising questions about the clean-up of the world's worst atomic disaster in 27 years.

The International Olympic Committee will decide the winning bid on September 7.

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