Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Glenn Beck Laments: 'This Is the Week America Lost Its Superpower Status'

9/10/13 - In response to the news that the Russian government offered up a plan for Syria to turn over its chemical weapons, thereby avoiding international conflict, Glenn Beck lamented that this has become the week that America officially lost its "superpower status." The plan, offered Monday evening by the Russian President Vladimir Putin came following U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry's "hypothetical" utterance that a Syrian overturning of their chemical weapons could help avoid any military conflict.

"After [Putin] made that statement and then the president said, 'Okay, uh, we could do that,' I thought to myself, 'We're done as a superpower,'" Beck recalled. "He has just put the final nail in the coffin."

Now that Russia has "dictated the terms" and "created the peace," Beck and his co-hosts speculated that "The chairs just switched at the table: Vladimir Putin and Russia is the leading superpower in the world."