Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Ethical Compromises in The Higher Echelons of Government – By Jason Liosatos

The higher up the political ladder one goes the bigger the ethical compromises one must make.
It is very rare to find people of strict ethical and moral behavior in the higher echelons of government. The reason is that the higher up the political ladder a candidate goes, then the more ethical compromises they would have to make in order to reach those positions at the top. Ethical compromises that good people would not be prepared to make, nor even tempted by with all the big money pay cheques. This is why we very rarely find high ethical and moral qualities in people in positions of power. John Kerry is a great example of someone ethically compromising and becoming corrupted and immoral as they reach the higher echelons of government in this video of him being morally correct in his younger days.

Very occasionally we have seen people of ethics somehow get through to the higher echelons of government, such as John F Kennedy, who was clearly threatened for his ethical and moral standards he tried to placate, by the ruthless money men, who eventually had him killed. He was too great a threat to the ruthless perpetuation of control by fear, greed, unethical, and unscrupulous misery and slavery for the population, by the heartless puppeteers above him.
Often in the earlier stages of a person’s political career, they can have great aspirations to bring about a more ethical and morally sound system, and I am sure a young, unsullied Tony Blair going door to door campaigning may have had such aspirations, but the further up the political ladder they climb, the more they have to compromise ethically in order to proceed.
They soon become en swathed and seduced by the web of deceit, lies and terrible murder and misery, which they have to say yes to. By the time they are in that deep they have little choice but to do as they are told, as they drop a few more bombs there, take over a country over here, murder a couple of hundred thousand civilians here and there, and it starts to feel quite normal. The new feeling of being all powerful, fueling the puffed up ego that was once a nobody, now a big somebody, and the millions of pounds that starts going into the bank, and we soon have a literal monster who lies and cheats and steals as standard. We only have to remember the image of him walking side by side with George Bush, arms slightly away from the body implying big muscles they didn’t have, and chests both pushed out, like real tough guys, tough guys who would have both wet their pants on the front line in Iraq. It is easy to be tough when you send other people to murder, fight and be killed, for you who started the fight behind a desk sipping tea.
There are many wise, ethically and morally sound people with vision in the world who could do a much better job of things, who sadly will never reach a position to do so, in the political system as we know it, and even if they did within that noxious system, it would seem like putting an umbrella up in a hurricane. As I mentioned already, but it’s worth saying again, that anyone wanting to rule and govern others so vehemently are quite psychologically sick, as their future actions normally prove.- Jason Liosatos www.jasonliosatos.com