Sunday, June 23, 2013

Mid-East Prophecy Update - June 23rd, 2013

Pastor JD talks about Zechariah's prophecy concerning Jerusalem and how it's yet another reason, that Christ's return for His church is sooner than we may think.


  1. Seems that when this misguided moron was mentioning the worlds religions he missed a few major one who care not one whit about ridiculous biblical prophecy. About 1/3 of the world are not at all concerned with this and do not believe or subscribe to end of times theories.

    1. Probably because they have never read the Bible chapter by chapter verse by verse. Oh yes Jesus will be returning to this earth but before that day as you read in 2ndThessalonians starting in chapter 2:3 for that day shall not come except their be a falling away first, and that the man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition 2:4 Who opposeth and exalteh himself above all that is called God or that is worshipped,so that he as God sitteth in the Temple of God shewing himself that he is God. Thats satan himself when hes cast out of Heaven to the earth Rev. 12:6-9 appearing in the Holy Land Jerusalem claiming to be Jesus. that day is coming sooner than most relize as most have been taught traditions of man. Visit ShepherdsChaple n give a listen how Pastor Murray teaches Fathers Word chapter by chapter verse by verse and gain some Wisdom of Fathers Word.

    2. You listened to that entire thing and all you came up with is a single insignificant point? It's pretty clear that the preacher is not the moron, look in the mirror lance. Your logic isn't any better than your discernment, in that you don't understand that it doesn't matter how many deny reality(Biblical or otherwise), they are still subject to it. If one third of the world denied gravity would you jump off a bridge?

  2. Thanks for this nice blog post about the prophecy.
    If you want more about this please go here : Bishop Jordan Prophecy
